Lightroom crash when opening image

Lightroom is an excellent programme for keeping photographs in order and for editing them within certain limits. The problem is that it does not provide for the management of all possible types of configuration. For this reason, we need to act on the configuration to ensure that it avoids generating exceptions which, in the best of cases, suggest links to the official documentation.

If you don’t want to spend a third of your life reading all the official documentation and risk not solving your problem, I suggest a modification I made for my laptop that helped me avoid crashes when trying to open a photo.

The first thing to do is open Lightroom and choose “preferences” from the “edit” menu, alternatively you can choose the key combination CTRL followed by comma. This will open a window where you need to select the “performance” section, disable the graphics processor completely and apply the changes.

Normally Adobe offers various types of solutions in their links regarding the use of directX, updating the video card driver and much more. In my experience none of these work. I hope this short guide has been of use to you, goodbye and see you next time.

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