Tim Ten Go 10 GB, it’s cheaper with a few little tricks

Today I went to the tim center to switch operator switching to the offer tim then go 10 gb. The guy who took care of my practice explained to me that in addition to this offer, the tim automatically activates additional services and explained to me how to disable them by avoiding paying for those services that I do not care about. So I also in this blog explain how to disable any services if you do not care. Some of these however can be quite convenient, so it’s up to you to choose which ones you might remove. And it’s also up to you to check, at the time you read, that this is still the case.

Keep in mind that the active options are services, so the operator would take money but in return you give services that are designed to be precisely convenient if you use them and interest you. I tested the procedure and at the moment there are no problems, everything went as it was supposed to go. The deactivation system was clear and without hidden surprises.

I’ll keep this article up to date in case of anything new anyway. If you would like to help me keep it up to date, you could, in case of changes, write me a comment on the page below. It is not mandatory to leave your data or be registered to do so.


If you finish the gigs available before the 28th day, you should be able to continue browsing at the cost of 1.90 euros for every 200 mega (I did not understand if they are mega bytes or mega bits). This is a mechanism that you should activate automatically. The guy from the store told me that by disabling this option, the internet connection should come off without charge extra. I’m still dubious and I recommend calling customer support to better understand why I wouldn’t want disabling this service then the costs per megabyte increase instead. However, to turn it off, call 409163. There should be no charge for disabling this service.


According to what this guy told me, it activates automatically and should cost something like 0.49 euros per week. The first month should be free. If I understand correctly, this option should allow you to call a tim number chosen without limits, see all the goals live on the APP SERIES To TIM and should give the possibility to go to certain cinemas in two paying a single ticket. To disable this offer, from your mobile phone you have to call 409162 and follow the guide line. He basically told me that the keys should be 3-2-1. Disabling this offer should cost you 3 dollars. I left it anyway because I like to go to the movies so I better keep it.


When you don’t answer your phone or hear it ring, you should start the voicemail that makes you spend. To disable this service, you should be able to write the following code on the numeric keypad: “#61” followed by the green handset (as if you were to call it). There should be no additional charge for disabling the service.


When you’re talking on the phone, the answering machine should start, which makes you spend. To disable this service, you should be able to write the following code on the numeric keypad: “#67” followed by the green handset (as if you were to call it). There should be no additional charge for disabling the service.


When your mobile phone is unreachable for some reason, you should start the voicemail that makes you spend. To disable this service, you should be able to write the following code on the numeric keypad: “#62” followed by the green handset (as if you were to call it). There should be no additional charge for disabling the service.


Browsing the internet from your mobile phone, you may accidentally click on a banner. Some of these banners activate paid services on the sim.

Tim, very wisely, provides a service that protects against any accidental registrations to certain paid services.

The black list should NOT activate automatically and should be free. To activate it just send a text message to 119 with the inscription: I want to activate the black list

After some time, you will receive a text message from 119 asking if you confirm the inclusion of the block of paid services not provided by tim. You of course have to answer for YES.

Another way to disable services is to go to the tim portal, register and disable services that we don’t care about.

Or, alternatively, you should be able to manage everything from tim’s dedicated application. You can download it to your mobile phone if available, depending on your model and operating system.

However, with this guide, even if you don’t own your smartphone, you should be able to successfully deactivate all services if you don’t care.

I realize that I have used a lot of conditional but I think it is always better to put a nice question mark where you are not 100 sure. I do not think it is right to give the impression to those who read that there is a certainty where there is not. In addition, telephone offers and contractual parameters change continuously and very quickly and it is difficult to keep up.

For these reasons and others, I invite you to check customer support first. I still hope I did what I like by writing this article because, in the process of transition, it may happen that someone “forgets” to inform you that there are these additional services already active and maybe you will find expenses in sim that you have not Required.

If I have written some craziness, do not fail to write it under the comments and I will try to correct this article.

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