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Cat Cymric

cetta Cat Breeds

The Cymric cat comes from the Isle of Man and would basically be the long-haired Manx cat, in fact the two breeds share the same physical and genetic characteristics. The origin of this cat, which naturally appeared on the Isle of Man, is not known with absolute certainty, but some Canadian breeders claim paternity. However, they have appeared in litters of Manx cats as spontaneous long-haired mutations.

Their particular characteristic is that they are completely tailless, like the Manx cat breed, and they are quite rare because crosses have to be made of cats that have tails with others that do not, and in spite of this few kittens survive, precisely because of the tailless gene. This gene is considered semi-lethal in that if kittens have inherited this gene from both parents they do not complete development and die in the womb. If, on the other hand, they inherit it from only one parent, they manage to survive.

Several legends are told about this feline, curious and fascinating. In one of them, it is said that when Noah called the animals to get them onto the ark, this cat was asleep; he woke up at the last moment and ran towards the ark before the doors closed, but he did not make it through in time and the door that was closing cut off his tail. There are several other legends, but the most likely hypothesis is that its true origin lies in the sea trade between Phoenicia and Japan. Sailors carried Japanese cats with screwed tails on their ships in order to catch mice, thus creating this breed by accident.

Character of the Cymric Cat


The Cymric Cat is a quiet, peaceful and very sociable cat. It gets along well with practically everyone, both with other animals and with children and elderly people. He is very intelligent, learns easily and can even learn a few things independently.

He does not like to be alone for long periods, so if he has to be left alone for most of the day, it would be good to provide him with a companion, another cat or even a dog. It also gets along well with large dogs. He loves to play, which is why he is also suitable for families with children, with whom he shows great patience. He is able to assess various situations at the specific moment, showing that he is a truly fearless cat.

It is a lively cat that loves to play, run, climb and is also an excellent hunter, but does not disdain the comfort and warmth of home, behaving as a docile and calm cat.

With strangers, after an initial moment of study, it manages to find an understanding, all depending on being able to earn its trust.

Appearance of the Cymric Cat


The Cymric Cat is a medium-sized feline, because of its very thick and long fur it looks bigger than it actually is. It is robust with a powerful musculature. Its appearance is all round, from its head, round indeed, to its eyes and rump. The front legs are shorter than the hind legs, so this cat has a very peculiar gait, when it moves it looks like a ball rolling on the ground.

Its characteristic besides the semi-long coat is the lack of a tail, just like its cousin Manx. There are however 4 types of Cymric cats, precisely because of the tail. The Rumpy, where the tail is practically absent altogether. The Riser, which has 1 to 3 vertebrae from the sacrum and this makes a small elevation at tail height perceptible. The Stumpy which has from 1 to 3 caudal vertebrae and therefore has a small piece of tail and finally the Longy which has a tail of medium length.

The coat is of medium length with a double undercoat, therefore very thick and dense. It is very soft to the touch and can be of different colours and patterns.

Care and health of the Cymric Cat


This cat has a life expectancy of about 15 years. It is a robust and healthy breed, but can be prone to certain diseases due to its genetic inheritance such as Manx syndrome, which occurs when a mutated gene blocks the growth of the spinal column to a certain extent. Constant and thorough oral hygiene is recommended as he can develop diseases such as gingivitis and tartar.

As for the care of his coat, it should be brushed often; two or three times a week at least. Its long coat, however, does not felt and is rather easy to keep in place. It does, however, lose a lot of hair, both during the moult and at other times.
